《中国核心期刊(遴选)数据库》收入期刊•深圳市优秀期刊 邮发代号:46-234 国际标准刊号:ISSN 1671-3508 国内统一刊号:CN 44-1542/TH
Die & Mould Manufacture Monthly
Bureau of Industry and Information Technology of Shenzhen主办:深圳市生产力促进中心
Sponsors:Shenzhen Productive Forces Center;
General Circulation:Shenzhen Newspaper & Periodicals Circulation Bureau
Subscription:Any Local Post Office All Over China
Ad. Registration No.:440300500018
定价:20元/月, 240元/年
Price:20RMB/Month, 240RMB/Year
Overseas Price:US$240/Year
国际标准刊号:ISSN 1671-3508
国内统一刊号:CN 44-1542/TH
《模具制造》月刊是由模具制造杂志社出版发行的大型科技期刊,也是目前广东地区唯一获得了国家科技部和国家新闻出版署批准在国内外合法公开发行的模具专业杂志。国际标准刊号ISSN 1671-3508,国内统一刊号CN 44-1542/TH。本刊以服务模具制造企业为办刊宗旨,面向模具界科研部门、工厂、企事业单位以及所有与模具制造相关的人士发行,为模具制造企业提供设计技术、制造工艺、市场动态和行业信息等多方面的帮助。在行业内具有较大的影响力,是您提高模具设计、制造水平的好帮手,也是您展示技术、产品、企业形象的大舞台。
Die-mould Manufacture Monthly, a large-scale periodical of science and technology, issued by Die-mould Manufacture press, is the professional magazine on die-mould in Guangdongprovince, publicly published and distributed home and abroad with the permission of the National Science Department and the National News and Press Agency. Its ISSN is 1671-3508, and its CN is 44-1542/TH. It serves the purpose of contributing to the die-mould manufacturers, distributed among the researching departments, factories, enterprises and all the relevant personnel in the field of die-mould, assisting the die-mould manufacturers in offering them design techniques, manufacturing technology marketing trends, and tradeinformation. In the field of die-mould, it is highly influential, helpful to improve your level of die-mould design and manufacture, and is the best stage of showing your techniques, products and corporation.
Its main colomns are as follows: die-mould CAD/CAM, die techniques, mould (plastic mould, die-casting mould, forging die , etc.) techniques, die-mould manufacturing techniques,technologies of die-mould materials and heat treatment, enterprise management, small pieces of experience of design and manufacture, the forum of design and manufacture,trade trends, marketing information ( products offering and demanding, technological requirement and transfer,labor market, enrollment and training, engineering bids, etc. ),readers' voice, corporate exclusives, and the introduction and promotion of new products and new technologies.
38,000 volumes for each issue plus additional 10,000 volumes on show
《模具制造》 每年将参加国内外60余个专业展览会
Die-mould Manufacture Monthly always participates in more than 60 professional exhibitions home and abroad.
读者分析(Readers’ analysis):
按行业分: Trades:
模具制造厂家 | 22% | Die-mould manufacture | 22% | |
金属、五金制品、塑胶制品 | 19.8% | Metal, hardware, plastic | 19.8% | |
航空航天、汽车、摩托车及配件 | 24.6% | Home electrical appliance, electronics and communication | 24.6% | |
家用电器、电子通讯产品厂家 | 18% | Space and aviation, automobile, motorcycle | 18% | |
玩具、礼品、玻璃制品行业 | 5.6% | Toys, presents, glass | 5.6% | |
模具制造设备及配套产品厂家 | 8% | Equipments of die-moulding and its acessories | 8% | |
其它 | 2% | The others | 2% |
按地区分: Regions:
华南(广东、广西、海南) | 21.5% | South China ( Guangdong, Guangxi, Hainan ) | 21.5% | |
华东(上海、江苏、福建、浙江、 山东、安徽、江西) | 23.3% | East China ( Shanghai, Jiangsu, Fujian, Zhejiang, Shandong, Anhui, Jiangxi ) | 23.3% | |
华北(北京、河北、天津、内蒙 古、山西) | 12.1% | North China ( Beijing, Hebei, Tianjing, Neimenggu, Shanxi ) | 12.1% | |
华中(河南、湖北、湖南) | 12.8% | Central China ( Henan, Hubei, Hunan ) | 12.8% | |
东北(辽宁、黑龙江、吉林) | 7.3% | Northern-east China ( Liaoning, Heilongjiang, Jilin ) | 7.3% | |
西南(四川、云南、贵州、重庆、 西藏) | 12.5% | Southern-west China ( Sichuan, Yunnan, Guizhou, Chongqing, Xizang ) | 12.5% | |
西北(陕西、宁夏、甘肃、青海、 新疆) | 5.3% | Northern-west China ( Shanxi, Ningxia, Gansu, Qinghai, Xinjiang ) | 5.3% | |
港、澳、台地区及国外 | 5.2% | Honkong, Macao, Taiwan of China, and abroad | 5.2% |
按职务分: Positions:
高级管理人员(总经理、厂长、经理) | 33% | Senior personnel of management ( managing director, factory director,manager ) | 33% | |
生产部技术人员 | 25% | Technical personnel in production department | 25% | |
采购人员 | 22% | Personnel in charge of researching and quality inspection | 22% | |
研发及品质管理人员 | 14% | Purchasing agents | 14% | |
其他 | 6% | The others | 6% |
发行方式 Mode of publication:
邮局发行 | 60% | Mail delivery | 60% | |
展览会派送 | 15% | distribution on exhibitions | 15% | |
自办发行 | 12% | self-distribution | 12% | |
免费赠送 | 10% | present for free | 10% | |
其他 | 3% | The others | 3% |